Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Video product

Cornbread (Oksusu-ppang: 옥수수빵)

Today I’m going to show you how to make a special Korean-style cornbread that I used to have when I was a kid in elementary school in Korea. The school provided this daily snack to the students just before class was dismissed. We looked forward to it every day, so I have fond childhood memories of cornbread, and of the anticipation of waiting for snack time at school!...

Crunchy Korean fried chicken recipe (Dakgangjeong: 닭강정)

This crispy, crunchy, spicy Korean fried chicken is incredibly delicious! You're going to love it, I guarantee, and take this chicken to a party and everyone will give you compliment: "Whoo ah~ this crispy chicken is crunchy crunchy like candy!"

egg roll

Learn how to make egg rolls. It's a simple and easy egg recipe, tamagoyaki omelette.